Climate neutralized

Active climate protection


In order to protect the climate, economy and society have to become climate neutral.  Climate protection must be part of everyday life for companies. agromed makes an active contribution.

We take various measures to minimize the ecological footprint of our business activities as far as possible. Since March 2020, we are working in a CO2-neutralized


Compensation under the Kyoto Protocol

We have had the greenhouse gas emissions caused by our company's activities recorded by an external sustainability consultancy (in accordance with the official guidelines of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol) and offset them by purchasing climate protection certificates for the years 2023 to 2024. With these certificates we support the projects Forest Farm Carbon Sink Project in China and Oaxaca IV Wind Energy Project.



Practiced climate protection

CO2 compensation through certified projects is one thing. To us it is however still much more important to reduce the climaticdamaging emissions already in the apron ACTIVE: We try consciously to do without business trips that are not absolutely necessary. Via videoconferencing we succeed nevertheless in staying in close contact with our international partners. If travel is still necessary, we use rail wherever possible.
agromed employees whose places of residence are not near our company headquarters use their home office to avoid the daily trip to the office. It goes without saying that all employees now largely dispense with paper in their daily office routine. The reduction of waste paper also leads to the fact that we provide our advertising material and product information mainly electronically.

The fact that sustainability is firmly rooted in the consciousness of our team is also shown by the fact that some employees are now increasingly travelling to work by train, e-bike or even on foot.